A total of nine (9.00) credits of Education electives are required for Primary/Junior and Intermediate /Senior teacher candidates. Junior/Intermediate teacher candidates will need to take a total of six (6.00) credits. Teacher candidates in the BEd (French) and Indigenous Teacher Education program options are required to take additional required courses and in those cases, a total of three (3.00) credits of Education electives are required for Primary/Junior and Intermediate/Senior teacher candidates. As well, Junior/Intermediate teacher candidates for BEd (French) and Indigenous Teacher Education are not required to take any Education elective courses. Teaching Religious Education (ED/EDUC 3000 3.00 or ED/EDUC 3000A 3.00) will not be counted as an Education elective. If courses are full, teacher candidates can add their names to an elective waitlist. Priority on the waitlist will be given to ED III teacher candidates who require the credits to graduate. Elective course offerings vary from session to session.
ED/EDUC 2200 3.00 Issues in Indigenous Education
This course explores wide-ranging issues in Indigenous education. It is grounded in Indigenous understandings and practices of education. It explores the ongoing impact of colonization, promotes decolonizing approaches by challenging deficit thinking and presents successful educational models with the possibility of practitioners integrating aspects of these methods into personal practice. NOTE: This course is mandatory for the Indigenous Teacher Education program option.
ED/EDUC 2400 3.00 Education as Communication
This course focuses on the nature of communication in pluralistic societies, that is, in societal contexts characterized by linguistic and cultural diversity. Emphasis is on the social uses of speaking and writing and interpreting what is being communicated in school and classroom settings. Course content and organization are premised on a developmental and sociolinguistic viewpoint toward communication that recognizes the interdependence of language with cultural and social structures. Issues of bilingual and multilingual learners will be addressed.
ED/EDUC 2590 3.00 Thinking Mathematically I
Intended primarily, but not exclusively, for Education teacher candidates in the P/J and J/I streams, the main objective of this course includes providing opportunities for teacher candidates to achieve success in thinking mathematically and to reflect on the learning and practice of mathematics.
ED/EDUC 2700 3.00 Teaching Internationally and Interculturally
This course engages students in a comparative and international exploration of cultural traditions and beliefs, as well as their reflection on schooling and teaching practices. Throughout the course, students will examine diverse cultural and educational contexts in Canada and around the world in relation to imperialism, globalization, and internationalization, and raise questions about critical issues such as social class, race, ethnicity and gender.
ED/EDUC 2710 3.00 Reflecting on and Interpreting the International Educational Experience
This course is designed specifically for York University students whose undergraduate program has included an international education experience. A wide range of theories in international and intercultural education, cross cultural psychology, internationalization, globalization and post colonial studies will provide a critical analytical framework to promote student reflection and interpretation of their international experiences. Thus, international experience is a prerequisite for this elective course. It will encourage students to integrate experiential learning into the theory and practice of their respective academic disciplines.
ED/EDUC 3300 6.00 Urban Education
This course focuses on the theory and practice of schooling in settings characterized by diversity related to socio-economic status, ethnicity, race, culture and citizenship. It examines historical and socio-political contexts of education and explores their impact on conceptions of learning, curriculum and pedagogy with specific application for working in urban school environments.
ED/EDUC 3500 3.00 Inclusive Education
An introduction to the policy and practice of inclusive education as it is presented in Ontario schools will be provided in this course. Candidates will have an opportunity to select a focus for inquiry and work directly with teacher candidates to explore inclusive education in a broad sense.
ED/EDUC 3600 3.00 Literacy and Culture
This course investigates how children become literate and addresses issues of second language learning and culture in literacy development. It will pursue successful practices for literacy development while exploring issues of diversity.
ED/EDUC 3610 3.00 New Media Literacies and Culture
This course will explore new media technologies and literacies prevalent in contemporary popular culture and of increasing importance in education. An array of new media technologies and emergent literacies will be explored theoretically, critically, and through hands-on applications in order to consider their pedagogical, curricular, and socio-cultural implications.
ED/EDUC 3700 3.00 Educating for a Sustainable Future
This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of education for sustainability. It traces the approach from its origins in outdoor and environmental education to its contemporary expression as an interdisciplinary approach that explores the relation between education and social, economic, and environmental issues.
ED/EDUC 3710 3.00 Global Issues and Education
This course provides analyses of the process of globalization and its impact on life in Canada and abroad including its impact on education. Teacher candidates will explore how global issues can be incorporated into curriculum thinking about teaching and learning.
ED/EDUC 3720 3.00 Critical Thinking
This course investigates philosophical inquiry, critical thinking, and curriculum. It explores questions about how the mind works, the nature of critical thought, and implications of these for curriculum and instruction. Relevant philosophical and theoretical traditions and perspectives will be considered.
ED/EDUC 3730 3.00 Education and Human Rights
This interdisciplinary course examines the social, historical and political context of education as it intersects with human rights law in Canada and specifically Ontario. The course provides an overview of the historical foundations and development of systems of compulsory schooling in Canada referencing human rights and equity issues and abuses that are woven into our education history. Factors that have shaped contemporary schooling such as race, religion, gender, language, disability, culture and socio-economic status, among others will be identified and explored from a human rights and equity perspective.
ED/EDUC 3740 3.00 Music in the Elementary Classroom
This course will develop knowledge and skills for implementing a P/J music program. There will be an emphasis on: building basic musical knowledge and skill; exploring connections between cultures and music; developing resources for classroom use.
ED/EDUC 3750 3.00 Educational Assessment
This course considers the conceptual and ethical issues in educational assessment; the process of developing, evaluating and using assessment procedures; the interpretation, communication and use of assessment results; and the role of gender, ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity in educational assessment.
ED/EDUC 3760 3.00 Early and Family Literacy
This course will examine young children's literacy development both before and during the first years of schooling. The role of families in this development will also be examined. Issues related to diversity will be incorporated.
ED/EDUC 3770 3.00 Teaching and Learning with Digital Technology
This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of teaching and learning with digital technologies. Topics include applied learning theories and the use of Web-based tools, productivity and document sharing tools, graphics software, educational games, and mobile devices.
ED/EDUC 3800 3.00 Arts and Ideas
This course will provide an approach to communication and the education process with a special focus on the fine arts. This course will explore issues and ideas about communication in education, always through the lens of art, art-making, art-theorizing, art education principles and research.
ED/EDUC 3820A 3.00 Miscue Analysis
Analysis of oral reading miscues and the implications of the patterns of oral reading miscues for classroom instruction is the focus of this course. The general theories underlying miscue analysis will be used as the foundation for consideration of several different oral reading analysis techniques.
ED/EDUC 3820B 3.00 Teaching English Language to Learners in Mainstream Classrooms
This course addresses the needs of children from language backgrounds other than English. It covers theoretical and practical aspects of second language acquisition and explores ways in which teachers can support such learners within the mainstream classroom. Prerequisites: ED/PRJL 3031 3.00 or ED/JILA 3021 3.00 with a GPA of 5.0.
ED/EDUC 3900 3.00 Studies in Popular Culture
This course considers recent debates on the uses of various forms of popular culture in educational research and pedagogical practice. The course will draw upon mainstream and independent films, contemporary fiction, graphic novels and comics, and popular forms of music, as well as research in cultural studies.
ED/FNDS 3330 3.00 Aspects of Foundations of Education
This interdisciplinary course examines the social, historical and political context of education in general with specific reference to the development of systems of compulsory public schooling in Canada. The relationships among formal education, economic inequality, and social reform are explored. Requisite materials on Ontario school law, school organization and administration, professional rights and responsibilities, and the role of teachers' federations are included.