March 2016 Student Services Newsletter

Makeup Group Advising Sessions
Any Concurrent and Part-Time Consecutive teacher candidates who were unable to attend the group advising sessions in February are encouraged to attend a make-up advising session in March. The sessions are being held in the McLaughlin College Rm 157A 1st flr.

No registration required.

ED 1 and Ed 2 Teacher Candidates heading into ED 2 or ED 3 - all certification levels

  • Tuesday, March 15th                     10:00am or 2:30pm
  • Wednesday, March 16th               10:00am or 2:30pm

Lisa D’Aiuto, Teresa Boyle and Marc Powell - Assessor/Advisor, BEd Student Services  will be your advisors at the sessions.   For more information, contact our office at

Consecutive TC's - Semester 3 and 4.
All Consecutive TC's have been sent an email with the FW 2016-17 course schedule and instructions to access the Practicum Placement Window. TCs have until March 11th to log in and select their preferred zone for the FW 2016 - 17 Practicum Placement.

As well, Consecutive TC's may attend the Town Hall Meeting on April 1, 2016 12:30-2:00 in Curtis Lecture Hall Rm D. The meeting will offer TC's an opportunity to give feedback on the experiences in the program and to ask questions.

EDsperience blog
The Faculty of Education is excited to offer the newly minted Faculty of Education EDsperience blog at to our Pre-Concurrent BEd students and continuing Teacher Candidates to enhance the experience, sustain their learning, interest and connectedness in education.

Our goal is to provide you a chance to stay connected to the Faculty of Education by sharing in the experiences of your fellow graduate and undergraduate students. Want to contribute your EDsperience? We would love a diverse collection of bloggers from the Faculty of Education to contribute their stories. Send us an email at to find out how you can be a part of the blog.

FW 2016-17 Teachables for Concurrent TCs   - JI and IS
Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior TCs heading into ED 3 will be looking at a different enrolment schedule and course codes when enrolling in the teachable courses.  The required teachable courses will no longer be offered as ED/XXXX 3041 3.00 or ED/XXXX 3051 6.00. J/I TCs will be enrolling in ED/XXXX 3000 3.0 and I/S TC’s will be enrolling ED/XXXX  4000 3.00 and ED/XXXX 4001 3.00

J/I TC’s – Fall enrolment only

  • ED/XXXX 3000 3.00 taught on Fridays.

I/S TC’s – Fall and Winter enrolment

  • ED/XXXX 4000 3.00 taught on Friday’s in the Fall
  • ED/XXXX 4001 3.00 taught on Tuesday and Fridays in the Winter session and condensed into six weeks. ED/XXXX 4001 3.00 will end the week of February 6th, 2017

OSSTF/FEESO Faculty of Education Award 2015-16
Deadline: April 30, 2016
Please note:  The selection of the award recipients of the OSSTF/FEESO Faculty of Education Award is done by OSSTF.  The applications/nomination are sent directly to OSST . Teacher Candidates must apply for the award using the OSSTF/FEESO application form.  The OSSTF/FEESO Faculty of Education Award, valued at $1,000 annually, shall be awarded to the graduating Intermediate/Senior or Technological Studies Teacher Candidate who applies for the award and who has shown a clear understanding and empathy for the values of unionism, is attempting to secure a job with a public secondary board, and who best exemplifies the award criteria. Applicants are also asked to submit two letters of reference in support of their application – one from a faculty member and one from one of their associate teachers.

Teacher candidates who wish to apply for this award must do so using the online application form which is now available on our website and will be accessible until April 30, 2016.

Concurrent BEd TC’s
Summer Education Elective Waitlist - Reminder
Priority is given to teacher candidates going into their ED3 year, who need the credits to graduate. First priority on the waitlist is granted to ED2 students going into ED3 who have zero credits towards their elective requirement. Next we consider ED2 students going into ED3 who have 3 credits and then we consider students going into ED3 with 6 credits. This means, that your priority on the waitlist will drop as you are able to successfully enrol in Education electives. For example, if you are going into ED3 but already are enrolled in two electives and you wish to enrol in a third course, you need to understand that we would want to accommodate ED2 teacher candidates going into ED3 with zero or three credits towards their elective requirement over you who has 6 credits.

The Summer Education Waitlist will be available starting March 11th  on Student SharePoint.

Summer Elective ED/EDUC 3710 3.00
Global Issues in Education is being offered as a blended course (3 face to face classes and online). In class will be held on April 7, May 5th and May 12 from 5:30 to 8:30 in Rm 157A.

Supporting Access in Faculties of Education
As a follow up to the Supporting Access in Faculties of Education Panel on January 22, we would like to invite you to further participate in a discussion with peers about specific issues of Access within the Faculty of Education. An initial Teacher Candidate Discussion Group meeting will take place on March 11, from 12pm – 2pm in 106 Founders College.

With the recognition that biases exist within educational institutions, the Faculty of Education’s Access Initiative is designed to recruit, admit, and support teacher candidates who have faced systemic barriers in educational settings and in their lives.

The goal of this initial discussion group meeting is to provide a forum for Teacher Candidates who identify as Access candidates, or consider themselves allies, to share and discuss experiences and issues of access in the Faculty of Education, and guide future dialogue about the issue.

If you would like to attend on March 11, please RSVP to by March 9, 2016.

June Convocation
Graduating BEd students should view the information on the university’s convocation Web site for details regarding the ceremony and diploma services. Only Concurrent BEd students need to apply to graduate online using the convocation Web site: If any Full-Time or Part-Time Consecutive BEd students have already completed the online application, the information will be accepted; however, the Faculty of Education will mount the application to graduate for every consecutive student so it is not necessary for them to complete the application.

Recommendation to OCT
All BEd graduating students for June 2016 convocation should submit their Ontario College Teachers (OCT) registration number by June 1, 2016  to the Faculty of Education.

The online form is available through the Faculty of Education SharePoint Site at Log into Student SharePoint, select Undergraduate, then select OCT Registration Number Submission. This will require logging into Passport York.

In order for the BEd Student Services Office to send your recommendation, we require the OCT registration number for each graduating teacher candidate. To apply for OCT membership visit:, select Members and then Create an Account.

Transcripts to OCT
Graduating BEd teacher candidates will need to make arrangements themselves to order all post-secondary transcripts to be sent to the Ontario College of Teachers. When ordering transcripts, please indicate that you wish for your York University transcript to be sent upon degree completion. Your transcripts must indicate your Bachelor of Education degree has been conferred. This means your transcripts should not be sent until after the June convocation. The Faculty of Education will only send your recommendation to OCT following convocation. Transcripts ordered by the student and the recommendation sent by the Faculty of Education are required for certification. For more information, visit

The Faculty of Education convocation ceremonies will occur on Thursday, June 23, 2016. The convocation Web site can be found at

AQs for Class of 2016 B.Ed. Graduates
The Faculty of Education is offering the Graduating Class of 2016 the opportunity to complete an additional qualification in Spring 2016 tailored to the needs of new teachers entering the profession. Offered at York University Keele campus between Mon May 30 to Fri Jun 10 (8:30 – 4pm), teacher candidates can apply to one of two AQs:  Special Education Part 1 or English as a Second Language Part 1.  Registration opens January 25, 2016.  Apply by May 23, 2016.  For more information and to register visit:

Inclement Weather
Throughout the winter, in cases of inclement weather, the university will also post on its web site weather emergencies and university closures. For details, visit

Tax Forms
Information related to tax forms for income tax purposes can be found online at