Find out what’s happening in the Faculty of Education and York U.
- Visit the Career Centre’s job postings (which often include local school boards):
- Attend the Career Centre’s job fairs:
- Visit the FESA Facebook employment page:
- Visit York U Mentoring and Teaching Resource Room at (Select NEWS)
Professional Learning Information Sessions for New Grads
The Faculty of Education, Office of Professional Learning is pleased to offer information sessions for upcoming Faculty of Education new graduates. Come learn about the Ontario College of Teachers Additional Qualification program and guidelines. Hear about what programs the Office of Professional Learning has to offer this spring and how you can register for these courses at the New Grad rate.
Sessions will be held on
• Tuesday, February 7th at 5:45pm in Winters College Rm 030 and
• Wednesday, February 8th at 11:45am in McLaughlin College Rm 157A
Black History Month Symposium – February 17 and 18, 2017
The Evolving Meaning of Blackness in Canada – please visit
Mandatory Advising Sessions for 30.00 credit BEd program
All concurrent and part-time consecutive BEd teacher candidates currently in ED 2 (the 30.00 credit program) and proceeding into ED3 next September will be contacted by the Office of Students Services in early February to meet with an education advisor and discuss FW 2017-18 enrolment. At the meeting TC’s will be informed when to log on to the Practicum Information Management System to select practicum preferences for the 2017-18 academic year.
BEd Teacher Candidates - Enrolment/Practicum Information for FW 2017-18
Teacher Candidates in the 60.00 credit BEd program heading into ED 2 will receive information by email end of February regarding enrolment procedures and important dates for the FW 2017-18 session.
TC’s will log on to the Practicum Information Management System to select practicum preferences for the 2017-18 academic year. The online form, which is also accessible through the practicum login on the main education homepage, will be available from Thursday February 17th to Friday, March 10th.
Strategies for Success
Teaching Self-Advocacy! Hosted by Physical, Sensory and Medical Disability Services
Free development workshop for BEd students:
• Learn and practice strategies to implement self-advocacy in schools
• Help students with disabilities prepare for postsecondary education
Thursday, February 9, 2017, 2pm to 4pm. RSVP by February 1 to Please indicate if accommodations are required.
Interested in applying to our Graduate Program in Education (MEd)?
Visit the Faculty of Education Graduate Studies for more information: Deadline is February 8, 2017 (Full Time Entry) and March 8, 2017 (Part time).
2017 BEd Graduates – Apply to Ontario College of Teachers for your Membership registration
Teacher Candidates graduating in June 2017 will be applying to the Ontario College of Teachers to become a certified member. There are several steps TC’s will need to do to ensure there are no delays nominating BEd graduates after convocation.
1. Review the OCT application information at:
2. Apply for OCT membership: visit: select Members and then Create an Account. In order for the BEd Student Services Office to send your recommendation we require the 6 digit
OCT registration number for each graduating teacher candidate.
3. Submit the 6 digit Ontario College Teachers (OCT) registration number by June 1, 2017 to the Faculty of Education. The online form is available through the Faculty of Education SharePoint Site at Log into Student SharePoint, select Undergraduate, then select OCT Registration Number Submission. This will require logging into Passport York.
4. Transcripts to OCT ~ Graduating BEd teacher candidates will need to make arrangements themselves to order all post-secondary transcripts to be sent to the Ontario College of Teachers. When ordering transcripts, please indicate that you wish for your York University transcript to be sent upon degree completion. Your transcripts must indicate your Bachelor of Education degree has been conferred. This means your transcripts should not be sent until after the June convocation. The Faculty of Education will only send your recommendation to OCT following convocation. Transcripts ordered by the student and the recommendation sent by the Faculty of Education are required for certification.
For more information, visit
OUAC transcript request:
June Convocation
Graduating BEd students should view the information on the university’s convocation Web site for details regarding the ceremony and diploma services. Only Concurrent BEd students need to apply to graduate online using the convocation Web site at Deadline to apply is February 28, 2017. The Faculty of Education Keele campus convocation is on June 22, 2017. Web site can be found at
Attending June convocation ceremony: All graduating teacher candidates who are planning to attend the June Convocation must RSVP. Detailswill be posted on
Religious Education: Teaching in Catholic Schools Who should attend?
Any undergrad teacher candidate in the final year of the BEd and interested in preparing to teach in Catholic schools.
This course is intended to introduce pre-service Teacher Candidates to professional practice and to extend knowledge and skills in the delivery of Ontario Catholic curriculum. The course is 36 hours in length, fully online. Critical to the implementation of this course is the modeling of a positive learning environment that reflects care, professional knowledge, ethical practice, leadership and ongoing learning. This course answers the question, "What do I need to know to begin teaching in Ontario Catholic Schools?
Program Objectives:
• To promote an understanding of teaching as a vocation rooted in the call to the Christian ministry
• Create an awareness of the context of Ontario Catholic education
• Develop skills that enhance the integration of Catholic Graduate Expectations in the classroom and throughout the school
• Foster professional knowledge of Religious and Family Life Education Assist teachers in the acquisition of the theological background and skills necessary for the implementation of the Religious Education and Family Life curriculum.
This Certificate course is open to Faculty of Education students in the consecutive or concurrent program who are in the final year of their program. This course is not equivalent to the Religious Education, Part 1 Additional Qualification.
• 36 hours in length – fully online
• Available –Summer 2017
• A Certificate of Completion is provided upon successful completion. To apply online, visit our registration page at:
• To Apply & Fees For actual dates, locations and session offerings, search from the list of available courses. Note: offered in Fall and Winter sessions only. Course Fee (+ HST): $200 + $26 HST = $226.00
The 2017 AQs for New Grads are now open for registration at These AQs are open to B.Ed. Grads convocating in June 2017 from Ontario Faculties of Education.
The following New Grad AQs are available:
• NG17EN1K: New Grad - Teaching English Language Learners, Part 1
Location: Keele Campus, Rm TBD
• NG17SP1K: New Grad - Special Education, Part 1
Location: Keele Campus, Rm TBD
• NG17MA1G: New Grad - Mathematics, Primary and Junior (P/J), Part 1
Location: Glendon Campus, Rm TBD
Course Dates
Monday to Friday: (8:30 am - 4:00 pm) May 29 - June 2 & June 5 - 9, 2017 PLUS 30 hrs. online PLUS 25 hrs. independent assignment.
- Course Format~125 hours in length
~ Blended format: 70 hours in-class; 30 hours online; final 25 hour report
~ Offered in May/June prior to June Convocation
Important Advisory: YorkU will forward recommendations for New Grad AQs by mid-August or early September by which time all graduating teachers must have paid their OCT registration and membership dues to be in good standing with the College. Any teacher who fails to pay their dues and is not a member in good standing with the College will NEVER be recommended for the AQ course taken in this session.
Updating your contact information
Please remember if you change your residential address or phone number(s) you should update this information through York U. Online Service: My Student Records and select Change My Profile at Its’ also encouraged to add a contact person in case of emergency.
Reminder: Good Housekeeping
Please note that classroom space is shared and we want to remind all students/faculty if eating in the classrooms to please remove garbage and put in the appropriate receptacles in the hallways.
By doing our part, we will help to keep our classrooms in a professional state.
Inclement Weather
Throughout the winter, in cases of inclement weather, the university will also post on its web site weather emergencies and university closures. For details, visit
Tax Forms
Information related to tax forms for income tax purposes can be found online at