Advising packages for ED 2 2017-18
The Students Services team are still working on the FW 2017-18 Advising/Enrollment packages. Once the packages are complete they will be sent by email to all TC's returning to the BEd program this September. Included in the package will be the course schedule, Monday - Friday class schedule, F/W Ed elective choices, ED 2 Practicum meeting (planned for Tuesday, September 5th), reminder to reapply for Police Record Check/VSS and any important dates for FW 2017 academic year.
Education Electives - SU 2017
The Faculty of Education will be offering ED elective courses over the summer (May, June and into July). The course list of electives is posted on SharePoint- Student Information Portal/Undergraduate (under Announcements).
Priority is given to teacher candidates going into their Ed 3 year or completing their Ed 3 year before moving back to the UG for FW 2017 (candidates in the old 30.00 credit program). Ed elective priority enrollment will be as follows:
1. ED 3 TC's requiring an elective for Fall 2017 or June 2018 graduation.
2. Ryerson ECS/YU BEd TC's requiring an elective for their P/J certification.
3. ED 1 Consecutive TC's heading into ED2 wishing to lessen the course load for F/W 2017.
4. BA Educational Studies students interested in an education elective to meet their BA elective requirements.
5. ED 1 Concurrent TC's heading back to their UG degree for F/W 2017 and wishing to enroll in elective.
Teacher Candidates may add their name to the elective wait list. The wait list will be available end of March on SharePoint-Student Information Portal/Undergraduate.
REMINDER: 30 credit BEd Concurrent TC’s requesting to Waive Concurrency Regulation
Teacher Candidates are reminded that if completing the BEd program courses/program by June 2017 but will be enrolling in their last year of their undergraduate program in FW 2017-18 please submit the "Request to Waive Concurrency Regulation" online form. The form is available at Student Services Concurrent BEd Request to Waive Concurrency Regulation
2017 BEd Graduates
Apply to Ontario College of Teachers for your Membership registration
Teacher Candidates graduating in June 2017 will be applying to the Ontario College of Teachers to become a certified member. There are several steps TC’s will need to do to ensure there are no delays nominating BEd graduates after convocation.
1. Review the OCT application information at:
2. Apply for OCT membership: visit: select Members and then Create an Account. In order for the BEd Student Services Office to send your recommendation we require the 6 digit OCT registration number for each graduating teacher candidate.
3. Submit the 6 digit Ontario College Teachers (OCT) registration number by June 1, 2017 to the Faculty of Education. The online form is available through the Faculty of Education SharePoint Site at Log into Student SharePoint, select Undergraduate, then select OCT Registration Number Submission. This will require logging into Passport York.
4. Transcripts to OCT: Graduating BEd teacher candidates will need to make arrangements themselves to order all post-secondary transcripts to be sent to the Ontario College of Teachers. When ordering transcripts, please indicate that you wish for your York University transcript to be sent upon degree completion. Your transcripts must indicate your Bachelor of Education degree has been conferred. This means your transcripts should not be sent until after the June convocation. The Faculty of Education will only send your recommendation to OCT following convocation. Transcripts ordered by the student and the recommendation sent by the Faculty of Education are required for certification.
For more information, visit
OUAC transcript request:
June Convocation
Graduating BEd students should view the information on the university’s convocation Web site for details regarding the ceremony and diploma services at Only Concurrent BEd students need to apply to graduate. The deadline to apply online was February 28, 2017. After the 27th BEd students can still apply but are required to submit the request with a paper form. Information is available at . The Faculty of Education Keele campus convocation is on June 22, 2017. Information can be found at
Attending June convocation ceremony: All graduating teacher candidates who are planning to attend the June Convocation must RSVP. Details will be posted on
External Awards Available to Faculty of Education Teacher Candidates
Faculty of Education Awards/Bursaries ETFO
Deadline: April 30, 2017
Application: The application form must be sent to ETFO, 1000-480 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1V2, and Attention: ETFO Teacher Education Liaison Committee (TELC) postmarked no later than April 30th. A computer generated copy of this application form will be accepted and is posted at select Awards & Scholarships. For additional information, please contact Evelyn McGorgan at 416-962-3836 or 1-888-838-3836. Ext. 2214.
ETFO Award Information and Applications:
CRITERIA The Faculty of Education Award is offered annually to a student at a Faculty or School of Education at a publicly funded university/institution in Ontario, during the final year of their teacher training. Up to 17 awards of $500 and a certificate of recognition may be granted. This award is not intended to support a master’s or doctorate program.
Candidates for the Faculty of Education Award will be considered on the basis of the following criteria:
a) The recipient is enrolled full-time in an Ontario faculty of education and registered in a bachelor of education primary/junior or junior/intermediate program, participating in the final year of teacher training;
b) The recipient demonstrates a commitment to social justice and equity in keeping with ETFO policy;
c) The recipient demonstrates exemplary teaching practices in practicum placements;
d) The recipient demonstrates initiative to broaden personal experience in educational culture. Some possible indicators of this include, but are not limited to:
• Leadership in student government at faculty of education
• Support for fellow teacher candidates
• Provincial/local ETFO involvement;
• Leadership in events which benefit fellow teacher candidates; or
• Exemplary interactions with students in a variety of educational settings.
e) The recipient demonstrates academic excellence in bachelor of education courses.
f) The recipient is recommended by both the practicum supervisor and an associate teacher, in writing, outlining how in their opinion, the candidate meets the above criteria. Written recommendations to be included with application.
Preference will be given to applicants who have NOT received an ETFO award, scholarship or bursary previously.
The application must be received by ETFO, no later than April 30. Please send applications and supporting materials directly to ETFO. Completed applications may be emailed as an attachment to or mailed to:
ETFO Awards Committee, 136 Isabella Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 0B5
OSSTF/FEESO Faculty of Education Award 2017
Deadline: April 15, 2017
Please note: The selection of the award recipients of the OSSTF/FEESO Faculty of Education Award is done by OSSTF. The applications/nomination are sent directly to OSSTF. Teacher Candidates must apply for the award using the OSSTF/FEESO application form.
The OSSTF/FEESO Faculty of Education Award, valued at $1,000 annually, shall be awarded to the graduating Intermediate/Senior or Technological Studies Teacher Candidate who applies for the award and who has shown a clear understanding and empathy for the values of unionism, is attempting to secure a job with a public secondary board, and who best exemplifies the award criteria. Applicants are also asked to submit two letters of reference in support of their application – one from a faculty member and one from one of their associate teachers.
Teacher candidates who wish to apply for this award must do so using the online application form which is now available on our website and will be accessible until April 15.
Ontario College of Teachers Scholarship Program 2017-18
Deadline: June 30, 2017
The College offers three scholarships of $2000.00 and will be awarded in 2017. Teacher candidates in Ontario consecutive and concurrent teacher education program who will graduate in 2018 are eligible to apply for the 2017-18 scholarships.
Three Awards:
1. Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship for excellence in Teacher Education
2. Ontario College of Teachers Primary/Junior or Junior/Intermediate Scholarship
3. Ontario College of Teachers Intermediate/Senior Scholarship
The application period for the 2017-2018 scholarship program will open on March 1, 2017 and close on June 30, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Online Application Process Applications for the Ontario College of Teachers Scholarship Program are completed online. Features of the online application include:
• Secure login for applicants
• Application portal can be accessed multiple times before final submission
• Supporting documentation can now be submitted electronically
• Quick and easy application tool
• More information and application visit
Course offerings for New Grads: The Professional Learning office is pleased to announce that the Special Education Part 1 AQ for New Grads will be available in the ONLINE as well as the BLENDED format. The online format consists of 75 hours of online participation, 25 hours of self-directed professional learning and completion of a 25 hour independent study due July 31, 2017.
All New Grad courses start May 29, 2017. This spring we offer the following courses related to New Grad:
New Grad - Mathematics, Primary and Junior (P/J), Part 1 (Blended Format)
New Grad - Special Education, Part 1 (Online and Blended Format options)
New Grad - Teaching English Language Learners, Part 1 (Online Format)
Registration is now open. For more details see:
Important Advisory: YorkU will forward recommendations for New Grad AQs by mid-August or early September by which time all graduating teachers must have paid their OCT registration and membership dues to be in good standing with the College. Any teacher who fails to pay their dues and is not a member in good standing with the College will NEVER be recommended for the AQ course taken in this session.
YU Career Centre
Students can search for and apply to on-campus jobs – including summer work study positions – as well as positions off campus through the Career Centre’s job board.
The Career Centre offers an online calendar sharing activities for the month of April 2017.
Students are invited to attend Career Exploration series of workshops taking place this month.
Transferring Skills from Academe to the Workplace (for PhD and Post Doc Students) – taking place on April 3rd from 2:00-4:00pm
Suit Yourself: Personality & Career Choice – taking place on April 11 from 10:00am-12:30pm
Who Am I? Self Assessment Game – taking place on April 12 from 1:00-4:00pm
What can I do with my degree? – taking place on April 18 from 10:30am-12:00pm
The annual Career Success Symposium for Students with Disabilities will be taking place on Tuesday, April 25, 2017 from 10am-3pm in Founders Assembly Hall. Presented by the Career Centre, in partnership with Counselling and Disability Services (CDS), this session provides an opportunity for students with physical, learning, and mental health disabilities to connect with and hear from employers and community agencies providing employment supports in the workplace. This year’s guest speaker is Steven Page, singer, songwriter, co-founder of The Barenaked Ladies and mental health advocate. Please note that this event is open to students with disabilities only. Registration is required through the Career Centre's online system.
Updating your contact information: Please remember if you change your residential address or phone number(s) you should update this information through York U. Online Service: My Student Records and select Change My Profile at Its’ also encouraged to add a contact person in case of emergency.