Student Services Newsletter - November 2019

  • Career Centre  Visit Career Centre and find out about the services and opportunities available to you.  During the fall and the winter session Employers/Representatives from teaching organizations schedule a space in Winters College 1st flr to speak with teacher candidates.  Keep an eye on the Career Centre monthly calendar.  Posted as Employer Tabling Session:
  • The FESA Facebook employment page
  • The York U Mentoring and Teaching Resource Room
  • The Faculty of Education  News & Events feed

International Practicum Placement (IPP) Information Session
Each year, students in the Bachelor of Education (BEd) and Bachelor of Education (Technological Education) program can apply for the opportunity to participate in a  teaching placement in an international location, in addition to their required teaching in Ontario schools. This opportunity is in addition to the experience required in Ontario schools for the degree. Complete a four-week placement in the spring in Kenya or Nicaragua. Some funding is available to students to help offset the cost. We are hosting an information session online via Zoom (webinar) to listen in.   You need to have a speaker on your computer or your mobile device, so you can hear the information.    Monday, November 4th at 7:00 pm

Graduate Program in Education Open House
Are you interested in pursuing a MEd or PhD?  Come learn more about the Graduate Program in Language, Culture & Teaching on November 12, 2019 from 3:30-5:30 Room 113. More information email

York International – Go Global 
York  International organizes the Go Global to increase awareness of global learning opportunities among York University students. Interested in studying or work abroad??  visit the YI Events Calendar to learn more.  As well there will be a Go Global Fair on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 in Varil Hall and the Link.

2 Day Workshop with Paul Gorski
November 9 and 10, 2019  ~   Understanding and Eradicating Socioeconomic  Inequities in Education: The Equity Literacy Approach  What would equity and justice efforts look like in schools if they were informed by deep and clear and under-standings of why poverty and educational outcome disparities exist? In this workshop, led by Dr. Paul Gorski, we will apply a critical lens to many popular explanations of class differences, often driven by deficit ideologies, presumptions of grit and resilience shortages in families experiencing poverty, and saviour mentalities that mask the actual causes of class disparities. Then, using the equity literacy framework, we will develop and practice applying an approach based on understandings of the nature of economic injustice and all the ways it infiltrates educational policies and practices. The approach will be intersectional, considering how class disparities are informed by racism, sexism, heterosexism, and other forms of oppression.

Workshop fee: $200 plus HST *If a reduced rate is needed for students or individuals on a fixed income please contact Yvonne Kelly at Register at

Discussion:   Queer Pedagogies & Faith   
Kevin Welbes Godin is a cis-gender ally and activist who
has spent half of his 30 year teaching career advocating
for LGBTQI2S students and teachers in Catholic school
boards across Canada. Please sign up at by November 15th, 2019
at   Conatct:  Ixchel Bennett at
Friday, November 22, 2019
Time: 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Location: Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building (DB) Room 0016

EDUCATING DEAF CHILDREN NOW: Research Evidence Informing Practice
Join us for an exciting two day conference on best practice in the education of deaf and hard of hearing children!The conference is open to anyone, BEd and BA students. Llink to the conference information and registration is:
Date: November 22 & 23, 2019
Location: Second Student Centre, 15 Library Lane
Registration Deadline:  November 12th, 2019.

BA EDST Program requirement regulation changes
Over this past year there were course requirement regulation changes for the BA Educational Studies program.  Please ensure you visit the Academic Calendars at

Planning summer 2020 Education Electives
The Faculty of Education offers a few education summer electives for the students in the BEd to enrol in.  Planning to offer in May and June the following courses.  The courses are taught online, blended  or lecture.  Students in the Concurrent BEd Year 1  can also enrol in an elective(s) summer 2021.

Blended ~ Thinking Mathematically  3.00 (math elective)
Lecture ~ Literacy and Culture 3.00 (Literacy elective)
Online ~  Issues in Indigenous Education 3.00 
Online ~ Education for a Sustainable Future 3.00
Lecture ~  Philosophical Inquire into Critical Thinking & Curriculumn 3.00
Lecture ~ Educating for a Sustainable Future 3.00

Mental Health and Wellness at York U.  Students needing assistance or support beyond their course work are encouraged to visit the resources available to them at YU.

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Students with a diagnosed disability are encouraged to connect with York's Accessibility Services (SAS).  Their office  provides academic accommodation and support to students with disabilities in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Policy on accessible education for students with disabilities and York University Senate Policy on Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities.

Religious Education: Teaching in Catholic Schools - Who Should Attend
Any undergrad BEd student in the final year of BEd and interested in preparing to teach in Catholic schools.  NOTE: This course is open only to York University Faculty of Education undergraduate students. This course is not equivalent to the Religious Education, Part 1 additional qualification.

Course Format
Fully Online
Offered in the Fall and Winter sessions
A Certificate of Completion is provided upon successful completion

To Apply & Fees
For actual dates, locations and session offerings, search from the list of available courses.

Updating your contact information
Please remember if you change your residential address or phone number(s) you should update this information through the Registrar's Office website. Under My Student Records select Change My Profile. You are also encouraged to add a contact person in case of emergency.

Reminder: Good Housekeeping
Please note that classroom space is shared, and we want to remind all students/faculty if eating in the classrooms to please remove garbage and put it in the appropriate receptacles in the hallways.  By doing our part, we will help to keep our classrooms clean and in a professional state.

Office of Student Services, Faculty of Education  hours
Monday                           10:00a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday to Friday           9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Telephone:                       416-736-5001
Book an appointment with at Advisor.