- The FESA Facebook employment page
- The York U Mentoring and Teaching Resource Room
- The Faculty of Education News & Events feed
- Career Centre Visit Career Centre and find out about the services and opportunities available to you.
- Faculty of Education Events Faculty of Education students are welcome to join/register for virtual events hosted by the faculty. Please visit: https://www.yorku.ca/edu/ and view the EVENTS Calendar
REMINDER 2021 BEd Graduates ~ Apply to the Ontario College of Teachers for your Membership registration BEd students graduating in June 2021 will be applying to the Ontario College of Teachers to become a certified members. There are several steps students will need to do to ensure there are no delays nominating BEd graduates. The Faculty of Education has sent to OCT the Report by Faculty the week of May 24th. The faculty will continue to send graduating students reports to OCT.
- Review the OCT application information at https://apps.oct.ca/OLR/Template.aspx?action=rege
- Apply for OCT membership/registration: Visit: www.oct.ca select Members and then Create an Account. In order for the BEd Student Services Office to send your recommendation, we require the six-digit OCT registration number for each graduating teacher candidate.
- Submit the six-digit Ontario College Teachers (OCT) registration number by June 1, 2021, to the Faculty of Education. The online form is available on the Faculty of Education website.
- Send Transcripts to OCT ~ Graduating BEd teacher candidates will need to order all post-secondary transcripts and be sent to the Ontario College of Teachers. When ordering transcripts, please indicate that you wish for your York University transcript to be sent upon degree completion. Please order your transcript while completing your OCT application, using the OUAC Transcript Request available at https://www.ouac.on.ca/apply/oct/en_CA/user/login
- Recommendation to OCT - The Faculty of Education will only send your recommendation to OCT following convocation (late May 2021 as students records need to be audited by the Registrar's Office and annotated with that the program is complete before sending the recommendation to OCT) . Transcripts ordered by the student and the recommendation sent by the Faculty of Education are required for certification.
Those students who submitted their request for aTemporary Certificate and been recommended to OCT the Faculty of Education, Office of Student Services will use this information (OCT Registry number) for late May OCT recommendation/ submission. Students will need to re-order their York U. transcript to show OCT the degree(s) conferred. This will also include the Ryerson PJ BEd students who will be completing the BEd program requirements end of July and requested the Temporary Certificate.
Congrats to the class of 2021 - June Convocation
The June 2021 ceremony will be held online/virtually. Graduation Celebration for the BEd and BA Educational Studies students is being held on June 29, 2021 at 5:45PM. Please visit: https://www.yorku.ca/convocation/
UPDATE Mathematics Proficiency Test (MPT) Test Dates (message from Ministry of Education) Starting May 3, 2021 teachers who hold a General Certificate of Qualification and Registration with a condition to complete the MPT, a Temporary Certificate of Qualification and Registration, a Transitional Certificate of Qualification and Registration and applicants to the OCT can book a test session on the MPT website https://mathproficiencytest.ca/. Preparation To help individuals prepare for the MPT, a practice test, blueprint, and other resources are available on https://mathproficiencytest.ca/.
Faculty of Education Math Hub
- Register with the Faculty of Education, Professional Learning Department – MPT Resource Hub
- Create an account and register to subscribe to the MPT Resource Hub https://bit.ly/32ruNNK. Once you receive an email confirming your registration, you will log back into your account to access the Hub in the PL Moodle.
- Questions about the Hub? Contact PL: RaiseYourAQ@edu.yorku.ca.
- Visit https://www.mathproficiencytest.ca/#/mpt-launch if you have questions about test dates and registering for the test.
TOWN HALL meetings/session to BEd students moving into Year 2 FW 2021-22
The Undergraduate Program Office offered two Town Hall Meetings in May. The recording will be sent to all Year 2 FW 2021-22 BEd students by email. Our Communication Team are working on a few edits before we can send out this to you all.
Advising packages for ED 2 (Semester 3 and 4) 2021-22
The BEd/BA Students Services team emailed the Year 2 Advising/Enrollment packages the week of May 17th. Included in the packages were the course schedules, a reminder to reapply for Police Record Check/VSS, and any important dates for the FW 2021 academic year. The date to enrol in EDPR 3000, EDPR 4000 (and EDPR 2000 for those students enrolled in FW 2020-21) is June 17, 2021.
Bachelor of Education (BEd) course requirements Students needing to double-check the course requirements for the BEd program should visit YU Academic Calendar's. Courses and Practicum requirements for all the teaching panels are posted. Visit https://calendars.students.yorku.ca/2020-2021/programs/ED/education#course-requirements-and-specializations and select Faculty Rules and then Course Requirements and Specializations.
BA Educational Studies students enrolling in EDST 4999 FW 2021-22
BA students who have successfully completed EDST 3999 6.0 were offered to listen to an information session about plans for EDST 4999 6.0. The session was recorded and will be emailed to all BA students who will be enrolling in EDST 4999 6.0. The session recording should be sent out by June 4th.
BA Educational Studies students - Information Sessions Level 2 and 3
The Office of Students Services will be providing information sessions via Zoom to students moving into level 2 and 3 (level 2 = 30 credits and level 3 = 54 credits complete by end of summer) this September. The sessions will be offered the third week of June and students will be sent the Zoom link to join the session. The session will provide information on the BA program requirements, how to review your Degree Progress Report, and for those students who will have completed a minimum of 54 credits by August 2021, enroll in EDST 3999 - Experience, Inquire and Contribute (EIC). The EIC offers learning placements within the community or in related organizations as part of the Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies program. The placements are workplace-based learning to put theory to practice in the field of learning and education.
Ontario College of Teachers Scholarship Program 2020-21
Deadline: August 31, 2021 5pm
BEd students in an Ontario consecutive and concurrent teacher education program and who will graduate in 2022 are eligible to apply for the 2021-22 scholarships.
Four Awards:
1. Joseph W. Atkinson Scholarship for Excellence in Teacher Education
2. Ontario College of Teachers Primary/Junior or Junior/Intermediate Scholarship
3. Ontario College of Teachers Intermediate/Senior Scholarship
- Brian P. McGowan Scholarship for Resilience, named in honour of the College’s fourth registrar which will be awarded to a candidate who demonstrates resilience and tenacity in the face of adversity (new award)
The application period for the scholarship program opened February 2021 and closes on August 31, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. More information is available at: http://www.oct.ca/about-the-college/scholarships
Mental Health and Wellness at York U . Students needing assistance or support beyond their course work are encouraged to visit the resources available to them at YU. http://mhw.info.yorku.ca/resources/resources-at-york/students/.
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Students with a diagnosed disability are encouraged to connect with York's Accessibility Services (SAS). Their office provides academic accommodation and support to students with disabilities in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Policy on accessible education for students with disabilities and York University Senate Policy on Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities.
As well, students needing non Academic Counselling can contact Student Counselling and Development (SCD) This unit helps York students to realize, develop and fulfill their personal potential in order to maximally benefit from their university experience and manage the challenges of university life. Students come to SCD because of a wide range of concerns including, but not limited to: depression, anxiety, abuse, stress, self-esteem, relationship issues, eating and body image as well as issues related to sexuality, short-term individual, couple, and group counselling, crisis intervention and consultations regarding students in distress/crisis and issues related to overall mental health.
Updating your contact information
Please remember if you change your residential address or phone number(s) you should update this information through the Registrar's Office website. You should make sure your official name at York matches the name used for applications or anything elsewhere, otherwise transcripts may not match. Under My Student Records select Change My Profile. You are also encouraged to add a contact person in case of emergency.
Faculty of Education Office of Student Services team ~ available
The Office of Students Services teams is available during regular office hours (Monday - Thursday 10-4 and Fridays 10-3) to current and future students through email, phone and/or Zoom. Please email the Office of Students Services with your request or questions at osp@edu.yorku.ca. Please provide your name, York student number (if applicable) along with your phone number. Please give us 48 hours (during business days) to respond.
Faculty of Education students can book an advising appointment with an Education Advisor at https://www.yorku.ca/edu/students/undergraduate-programs/undergraduate-student-services-advising/