- Career Centre Visit Career Centre and find out about the services and opportunities available.
- The FESA Facebook employment page
- The York U Mentoring and Teaching Resource Room
- The Faculty of Education News & Events feed
Faculty of Education Office of Student Services team
The Faculty of Education, Office of Student Services staff are available on campus and online advising support . We are located in Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building (DB), 3rd floor room 3150. Office hours are Monday - Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm. Phone hours: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm 416-736-5001
Updating your contact information
Please remember if you change your residential address or phone number(s) you should update this information through the Registrar's Office website. Under My Student Records select Change My Personal Information. You are also encouraged to add a contact person in case of emergency.
Remember - eClass https://eclass.yorku.ca/
To increase clarity and communications, students are advised to turn Notifications Setting "on" in eClass to ensure that any announcements made will go directly to their preferred inbox. Please check this eClass Course Announcements regularly to ensure you have all recent updates.
York University Library Workshops Undergraduate students may benefit from Academic Integrity: How to Stop Worrying and Love Citations and Road to Research Success. Multiple sessions of each workshop will be offered throughout the fall term. Link to the full workshop schedule. https://yorku.libcal.com/calendar/libraryworkshops?cid=7880&t=d&d=0000-00-00&cal=7880&inc=0
BA EDST Program requirements
Students pursuing the BA Educational Studies program should look at the Degree Progress Report, to keep track of courses completed and what may still be required. For the degree Academic regulations and requirements visit Academic Calendars at https://calendars.students.yorku.ca/
BA EDST students - Important dates and keep connected to YU.
A reminder to the BA Educational Students there are lots of activities happening online for you to participate in. Look over what's happening and you can be part of it:
Navigate Fall 2022: https://currentstudents.yorku.ca/
Fall Activities: https://events.yorku.ca/
Important Dates: https://registrar.yorku.ca/enrol/datesWinters College: https://winters.ampd.yorku.ca/academic-affiliates/
FESA: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FESAYorkOpportunities/
Study abroad in Spring 2023 – Germany (Information Session dates/times to be announced soon)
Go on an international exchange to Germany summer 2023! Students enrolled in year one of the BEd degree and students in the BA Educational Studies program are eligible.
York U. Faculty of Education has an exchange partnership with Padagogische Hochschule (PH) Freiburg, Germany. Students can study abroad in the spring of 2023 and plan courses that work towards their BEd or BA Educational Studies degree. The study abroad dates are from April 2023 through to July 2023. If interested please complete the MACH form https://eduforms.apps01.yorku.ca/machform/view.php?id=222899 by October 16, 2022. We are hosting two virtual information sessions with York International - Tuesday, October 18th @ 5:00pm and Thursday, October 20th @ 11:30am. The Zoom link for the session will be email the day before the 16th and 20th. The application deadline is early and set for November 1, 2022.
Thinking of a Master’s degree? Discover more about the Faculty of Education MEd and MLCE
Master of Education (MEd) - Interested in developing your knowledge in the field of education through coursework and/or original research? Completing a Master of Education (MEd) degree will help you to expand your skills, knowledge and experience. Visit for more information and deadlines; https://www.yorku.ca/edu/students/master-of-education/
The Master of Leadership and Community Engagement (MLCE) professional master’s degree prepares graduates to advance in leadership roles in public sector organizations and communities, with a focus on community engagement and innovation. Visit for more information and deadlines https://www.yorku.ca/edu/students/master-of-leadership-and-community-engagement-mlce/
An Event - November 8, 2022 7:00pm
Unequal Benefits: Privatization and Public Education in Canada
Dr Sue Winton, critical policy scholar will draw on her book, Unequal Benefits: Privatization and Public Education in Canada, (University of Toronto Press), to explain how growing education privatization is undermining public education and democracy. More information and to register visit: https://www.yorku.ca/edu/events/unequal-benefits-privatization-and-public-education-in-canada/
Apply for Continuing Education Student Awards and York U. Awards/Bursaries
Deadline October 15 – Student Financial Profile
Awards and bursaries are available to Faculty of Education Teacher Candidates and BA Educational Studies students through York U. Student Financial Profile. Visit the Faculty of Education Awards page for more information for more information and award forms. https://www.yorku.ca/edu/students/undergraduate-programs/awards-for-undergraduate-students/
The Student Financial Profile is a multi-purpose online application form that is used to apply for university supports including scholarships, awards, bursaries and on-campus employment programs such as Work/Study, the Leadership, Engagement and Ambassadorship Program (LEAP) and Research at York (RAY). You should complete the SFP at the start of each academic session (once for fall/winter and once for summer) to be considered for a variety of programs.
The application periods for the Fall/Winter 2022-23 programs are as follows:
- Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards Program - Application open from August 2, 2022 - October 15, 2022
- Work/Study, LEAP and RAY programs - Application open from July 18, 2022 - February 17, 2023
- York University Undergraduate Bursary - Application open from August 2, 2022 - March 24, 2023
- Graduate Bursary - Application open from September 6, 2022 - January 20, 2023
- Graduate Scholarships - Application open from September 6, 2022 - April 28, 2023. Deadline dates vary by bursary/award. Please check the Scholarships and Awards page for more details.
Visit Student Financial Profile for Awards and bursaries offered by York U. https://sfs.yorku.ca/aid/sfp
Mental Health and Wellness at York U . Students needing assistance or support beyond their course work are encouraged to visit the resources available to them at YU. http://mhw.info.yorku.ca/resources/resources-at-york/students/.
Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Students with a diagnosed disability are encouraged to connect with York's Accessibility Services (SAS). Their office provides academic accommodation and support to students with disabilities in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Policy on accessible education for students with disabilities and York University Senate Policy on Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities.
As well, students needing non Academic Counselling can contact Student Counselling and Development (SCD) This unit helps York students to realize, develop and fulfill their personal potential in order to maximally benefit from their university experience and manage the challenges of university life. Students come to SCD because of a wide range of concerns including, but not limited to: depression, anxiety, abuse, stress, self-esteem, relationship issues, eating and body image as well as issues related to sexuality, short-term individual, couple, and group counselling, crisis intervention and consultations regarding students in distress/crisis and issues related to overall mental health.
Religious Education: Teaching in Catholic Schools - Who Should Attend
Any undergrad BEd student in the final year (yr 2 ) of BEd and interested in preparing to teach in Catholic schools. NOTE: This course is open only to York University Faculty of Education undergraduate students. This course is not equivalent to the Religious Education, Part 1 additional qualification.
Course Format
Fully Online
Offered in the Fall and Winter sessions
A Certificate of Completion is provided upon successful completion
To Apply & Fees
For actual dates, locations and session offerings, search from the list of available courses.